
as.am was created by designer, artist, and activist Alek Surenian. He is a footwear and soft goods designer who has worked at brands like Wolverine Worldwide, Timberland, Puma, and Clarks.

The creation of this brand is built around his belief that design is not only a way to create unique and interesting products, but also to make a difference in the world we live in. This belief and vision was molded through his Armenian identity. Serving as inspiration to create unique product designs celebrating Armenian culture and history.

Being Armenian has always been a battle for survival against the threat of extinction, the threat of assimilation, and the loss of our identities. These designs have a purpose: to inspire and empower others to work towards a goal of peace and prosperity for all people who face marginalization and racism.

A portion of the proceeds from all products will be donated to non-profit organizations who assist in humanitarian aid and advocate for human rights.